Thursday, April 06, 2006

Whats in a name?

Thinking back, I wanted to enroll into and I felt it more interesting to make people guess who I am. and not expose my original name (which is kinda hard to pronounce by non-indians, anyway).
It is not like I hate my name, anyways. I love it and I even explain the sankrit meaning of my name to the american clients I meet daily. Sampath basically means "Wealth" - wealth in health, money, knowledge, maturity... you name it. Isn't that cool my parents kept a thoughtful name?

I started with a hardworker, just because I was aware I was not a smart man, but I work more hard to compensate for my 'unsmartness' - but 'hardworker' was registered and seemed like "hardworker_indian" was the way to go. It is kinda long to type, but I dont type t often. MS Win XP stores it in its memory anyway..

I am not good (actualy very bad) at memory - thats the reason I end up carry a mini notepad all the time in my pouch. Most of my little success can only be attributed to that 'extra' hardwork I do.

Thats the story how I got hardworker_indian. Not many of my friends know I actually write this column, except for a few close ones...

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