Wednesday, January 24, 2007

How is Oxford SBS?

Well, someone anonymously left a comment requesting for more info on Oxford SBS..

"Sam How is placement so far from the last SBS batch?I am very interested in knowing how indians faired so far?What is your opinion of classes so far? Style/content/etc.Mind posting a response?"

I wish they had introduced themselves... anyways, here goes.

Placement for SBS: the last year SBS batch results aren't out yet... mostly to accomodate people who took the 15-month (they finished in Dec, 2006/Jan 2007).. From what I know personally the placement has been very good. Still SBS is focussed on Finance and Entrepreneurship as its focus.. Consultancy and High tech follows in placement counts... every year, we hear of someone starting their new company (I met someone in india who started an energy conversion company).. many folks here are sponsored by their company too, so they go back to their respective companies.. Overall: Trend is good.

Classes: Diversity and intellectual discussions are plus points. There are a few world class lecturers.. Moreover the admin is trying relentlessly to learn and excel; I read somewhere the dean saying that SBS will try to compete with HBS... good to aim high, huh? The number of Indians this year was a tad high; nevertheless, it was diff countries (like US citizens, UK citizens, singapore indians, etc.).. with 1B+ population, Indians and chinese are everywhere anyways ;)

Style/Content: I would say 60% of classes are taught in case basis.. the exam model is still the medieval Oxford way (with Sub fusc and double corrections)... we are now in the second term and we have to read atleast 2 cases and 2 reading material a day before going to the class... its a lot of work, but you've to do it, otherwise you will be the only one blinking in the class. Notable mention is the number of electives - 30+ electives to choose from (we have to choose 6).. ranges from private equity to real estate to networked media.. By networked media, I mean the blogs, wikis and facebooks - how cool is that to read abt a trend that has just emerged.. however I did not elect to that topic since I had strategy preferences...

Well, I hope that clarifies. I hope it was a MBA prospoect who was willing to learn more - All the best!

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