Saturday, February 03, 2007

A computer without mouse and keyboard

Talk about disruptive technology, you should take a look at the innovation from Jeff Han. Mind bogling.

I cannot stop watching the third one - particularly the one where his friend reads Wikipedia. The computer hardware companies will have a very hard time adjusting their operations to this innovation. Software companies will have refine their UI and usability principles. As Jeff says, this technology is not new, but just their application and interface is new.

And so a new generation of computer engineers will be born. We will one day say to our kids, "In our times, there used to be small accesories called mouse and keyboard.". "Mouse? Why would you name such an electronic device as mouse? More than that, why would you need to seperate that control from the screen where the objects are shown?" "Why in the hell would you need a physical keyboard? Would it get stuck and wear?" Hmm... I cannot find a reply to these questions from my future kids.