Sunday, January 20, 2008

Its your choice

I used to work as an account manager for a Harvard CIO and he kept me on toes most times. Often, I was put on spot with a bad feedback, discount in pricing, or with a request for a free consulting. When I hear these first, I often leave out a good smile without agreeing or disagreeing the charge. Once a client director was surprised how I manage to smile when so many of them were cornering me. Well, there is a Zen story I had heard long time ago... and had a chance to read it again this week.

A young Zen priest had entered that Ashram newly. He was well educated than the others who had spent a long time there, even more than the master. He continued to act with head weight and arrogance. He ended up criticizing and questioning the other priests.

One fine day, the young priest questioned a specific act of the master and started scolding and charging the master. The young guy expected the master to charge back at him; instead, the master kept smiling. Confused, the young priest left the hall. The other disciples were puzzled and inquired the master, “Why did you not get back at him?”

The master explained. “Look the couple at the end of the street. The husband is trying to present a gift to the wife and she is not accepting. Whom does the gift belong to, until now?” “To the husband”.

“Exactly, our young guy tried to provoke me and pass on his anger. I didn’t accept it or want to be a part of it. At the end, he got it back and left confused.”

“You will only get into trouble, if you want to. It all depends on what things and how much you want to involve yourself in whats going around you. Its your choice.”